Polypropylene PP plastic sheet is a kind of board frequently used in our industry. It has low density, easy welding and processing, superior chemical resistance, heat resistance, and impact resistance, is non-toxic and odorless, and it is currently the most environmentally friendly of engineering plastics.
So, do you know how to weld the PP sheet? Do you know the welding methods for polypropylene PP sheets? Let’s take a look below.
The welding method of polypropylene PP plastic board is generally considered thermoplastic welding is irreversible. A few processes such as induction welding can produce reversible assemblies. As to which method to choose should be selected in the design of the part, because the welding method is very important to the needs of the part description, and different welding methods have different effects. Hot gas welding technology is generally used to weld plastic pipes, sheets, or semi-finished products rather than injection molded parts. However, many thermoplastic molded parts, in common, are that the thermoplastic automobile disc is repaired by hot-gas welding technology, and hot-gas welding is sometimes used to prepare plastic-like molded parts.
Hot plate welding is a thermoplastic welding process in which the metal mold is heated by electricity to soften the surface of the connected plastic part. Applicable to almost all large or small thermoplastic parts. Commonly suitable for welding softer semi-crystalline thermoplastics such as PE sheets or polypropylene PP sheets. Since different mold surface temperatures can be used for two different thermoplastic materials, this process is most suitable for welding different materials. Hot plate welding can reach very high welding strength. But the cycle of this process can be relatively long, 15s for small parts, and several minutes for large parts. Hot gas welding is a welding method widely used to connect thermoplastic profiles and sheets to produce large parts. It is suitable for the manufacture of smaller injection-molded parts, thermoplastic parts and sample molded parts that require some assembly. It is important to produce welding rods with the same polymer brand as the parts being welded.