Smoke cleaning system

Smoke cleaning system

Smoke cleaning system introduction

A smoke cleaning system, specifically a wet scrubber, is an air pollution control device that removes smoke particles and pollutants from industrial exhaust gases. It directs the smoke-laden gas through a liquid curtain, typically water, where the smoke particles and contaminants are captured and removed.

The smoke cleaning systems are highly effective in reducing air pollution and improving air quality in various industries, such as metal fabrication, foundries, incinerators, and specific manufacturing processes that generate smoke and particulate matter. They play a crucial role in protecting the environment and ensuring compliance with emissions regulations.

Here’s a more detailed explanation of a smoke cleaning system wet scrubber:

Smoke cleaning system

Inlet Section: The smoke-laden gas enters the wet scrubber through an inlet duct. This duct is designed to distribute the gas evenly across the scrubber chamber, ensuring optimal contact with the liquid curtain.

Liquid Spray System: A vital component of the wet scrubber is the liquid spray system. Water or a liquid solution is continuously sprayed into the scrubber chamber, creating a fine mist or curtain of liquid droplets. The liquid droplets serve as a medium to capture the smoke particles and pollutants as the gas passes through.

Particle Capture Mechanisms: As the gas flows through the mist of liquid droplets, several mechanisms come into play to capture the smoke particles and contaminants:

a. Impaction: Larger smoke particles in the gas stream collide with and adhere to the surfaces of the liquid droplets, effectively removing them from the gas.

b. Interception: Smaller smoke particles, which may not directly impact the liquid droplets, are captured as they pass close to the droplets due to the aerodynamic forces acting on them.

c. Diffusion: Smaller particles that are too small to be effectively captured through impaction or interception are subject to Brownian motion, causing them to collide and be captured by the liquid droplets.

Collection and Removal: At the bottom of the wet scrubber is a collection sump or tank where the liquid and captured pollutants accumulate. The liquid, now laden with smoke particles and contaminants, is periodically drained or treated to remove the captured impurities. This process may involve filtration, separation, or chemical treatment, depending on the specific requirements and nature of the pollutants.

Clean Air Outlet: After passing through the wet scrubber and undergoing the particle capture and removal processes, the cleaned gas, now free from smoke particles and pollutants, exits through an outlet duct. Clean air is released into the atmosphere, contributing to improved air quality and reduced environmental impact.

It is worth noting that wet scrubbers can be customized and optimized for specific applications. Factors such as gas flow rate, temperature, humidity, pollutant concentration, and the type of pollutants present influence the design and operational parameters of the wet scrubber. Different types of wet scrubbers, such as packed bed scrubbers, spray tower scrubbers, or venturi scrubbers, may be used depending on the specific requirements and characteristics of the smoke emissions.

Additionally, wet scrubbers may incorporate monitoring and control systems to ensure efficient operation and compliance with emissions standards. These systems can monitor various parameters, such as gas flow, pressure drop, liquid flow rate, and pH levels, and make adjustments to optimize performance.

In conclusion, a smoke cleaning system wet scrubber is a highly effective air pollution control device used to remove smoke particles and pollutants from industrial exhaust gases. By utilizing a liquid curtain and various particle capture mechanisms, wet scrubbers significantly reduce air pollution and contribute to better air quality and environmental protection.

Company profiles:

XICHENG EP LTD is one of the largest polypropylene product manufacturers in China, mainly producing exhaust gas scrubbers, activated carbon towers, ventilation pipes, and a series of plastic injection molded parts, and processing parts, like ventilation accessories, plastic sheets, and tanks, etc. We would like to supply high-class products and satisfy every customer’s needs.

Contact information:

Name: Lora Wu


WhatsApp&WeChat: +0086 13378669672

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